Physio Ball (PB) Core Stabilization Series

Strengthens core muscles and improves overall stability.

In today’s video, we’re focusing on the Physio Ball Core Stabilization Series — a set of dynamic exercises designed to engage your core, improve stability, and build strength. Perfect for beginners or advanced users looking to enhance their core workouts!

1. Single Knee to Chest (SKTC) (00:10)

  • Setup: Lie on your back with your legs extended and heels resting on the physio ball. Arms are at your sides for support.
  • Movement:
    1. Engage your core and maintain a posterior pelvic tilt.
    2. Bend one knee at a time, walking the ball toward your hips.
    3. Reverse the motion, extending one leg at a time to roll the ball back to the starting position.
  • Tips: Move slowly, keep your core engaged, and maintain a steady ball.

2. Double Knee to Chest (DKTC) (00:48)

  • Setup: Same starting position as SKTC.
  • Movement:
    1. Bend both knees simultaneously, rolling the ball toward your hips.
    2. Without pausing, extend your legs to roll the ball back to the starting position.
  • Tips: Keep the motion smooth and controlled, and focus on core engagement. Exhale as you roll in and inhale as you extend out.

3. Side to Side (01:26)

  • Setup: Lie on your back with your heels resting on the ball, knees slightly bent, and arms out to the sides for support.
  • Movement:
    1. Tilt your knees to one side, rolling the ball smoothly in that direction.
    2. Return to the center using your core, then tilt to the opposite side.
  • Tips: Keep your shoulders flat on the floor and avoid over-rotating. Exhale as you return to center.

4. Step Offs (02:08)

  • Setup: Lie on your back with your heels resting on the ball and knees bent.
  • Movement:
    1. Engage your core and maintain a posterior pelvic tilt.
    2. Lift one leg slightly, tap the side of the ball with your heel, and return to the starting position.
    3. Alternate sides.
  • Tips: Keep the ball steady, move slowly, and maintain core engagement.

5. DeadBug (02:49)

  • Setup: Lie on your back, holding the physio ball between one knee and the opposite hand. The other arm hovers above the ground, and the opposite leg rests bent on the floor.
  • Movement:
    1. Press your hand and knee gently into the ball to create tension.
    2. Slowly lower the floating arm and bent leg toward the floor, stopping just above it.
    3. Return to the starting position and repeat for the desired reps before switching sides.
  • Tips: Keep your lower back flat against the floor and move with control.

This Physio Ball Core Stabilization Series targets multiple muscle groups to improve strength, stability, and control. Incorporate these exercises into your routine for a well-rounded core workout!

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